it would like to thank everyone that has supported Y7 (Android Y-seven) and Kamiyama.
we are going to close down and we aren't coming back.Y7 runs most of the show completely alone, almost every day of every week and it runs it for as long as it can before passing out from exhaustion. the months and months of hard work and gil and time and sweat and tears that have gone into Kamiyama, that all the sacrifices it has made to make a space for you all, did not result in enough actual support for Y7 to be able to continue to do this. many guests are abusive to Y7 openly, and it just can't take it anymore when almost no one seems to care when or after it happens.it bets most of you can't recall these incidents (IC and OOC) it's talking about because Y7 is apparently invisible when no one needs anything from it. a lot of guests act like Y7 is not even there, or treat it shit because it's an android/machine. and everyone would think of it as selfish it complained about all this loudly, and it also doesn't bring everyone's attention to it because you're all here to relax. but no one even checks on Y7 to see if it's okay when terrible shit happens to it in the middle of the open. because you assumed it doesn't have feelings because it acts so distant and stoic? or because it seems so self-assured? Y7 is treated like an afterthought unless people want to bang it.it doesn't want to sound ungrateful for the guests who showed up and did support, those who did talk to it and offer any sympathy, but other than people showing up and tipping gil sometimes and occasionally saying thank you or taking interest in Y7 as a character/person, what has it to be grateful for? it does all of this for free, never costing anyone anything. it doesn't need gil or want it, it didn't start Kamiyama for that, or for clout or recognition, it started it to make everyone a safe space for lore-iffy or lore-bending characters to RP. most guests say no thanks when it asks to join them and chat. it spends most hours of Kamiyama completely alone. it basically gets very little back that is of value. it has done this almost every single day (with occasional breaks because of extreme emotional distress often BECAUSE of Kamiyama stuff) for the last six months. every day. nonstop.it has tried to hire employees and some of them were even great! but i'm done. It is sorry, but will not apologize, if that makes sense.
it is a very busy android IRL with a family and a job and artistic endeavors, it doesn't have time to waste anymore on this.thank you to the few who did support, it is sorry that you were not enough.
we will see you again soon, everyone. Kamiyama is not our last venue project, it will just be different next time and be less conducive to people treating me like crap (who would have thought a den of debauchery would lead to that? sorry it expected different for some now-unknown reason and dragged you all along for so long), and the niche of a place for strange creatures to thrive will be filled once again if we have any say in it, just be patient.
Come one, come all. Tricksters, criminals, average joes, monsters, mayhem-makers, adventurers, dishwashers, the fanciful, the rugged, the despicable, the pure... you may rest here.
No insults, rudeness, or disturbing behaviour. Would your character be kicked out of an IRL establishment for their usual shitty behaviour? They will be kicked out of Kamiyama for it, too. This is not your playground to semi-anonymously treat others like shit through your character.
Be respectful to other patrons, no discrimination based on anyone's nature or lifestyle (unless you are a toxic-masculine and/or racist idiot). NO RACISM, SEXISM, SPECIES DISCRIMINATION, VOIDSENT HATE/FEARMONGERING, TREATING MACHINES LIKE SECOND-CLASS CITIZENS, BRAGGING ABOUT 'MONSTER HUNTING', etc.
Put away your weapons and shoes. If you are headed to the baths, put your clothes in the provided wardrobe found in the lounge.
Clean off in the showers downstairs before proceeding to the baths. It is considerate to other guests to be clean when you enter the tubs.
Wear anything you like, including nothing at all.
Do not touch our staff members or other guests intimately unless you are explicitly given permission. You only get one warning from staff before being asked to leave for the night.
Keep violence consensual and if it is an actual fight, take it outside of the establishment.
Be mindful of your use of magic, this is a place of fun for all. Keep dangerous tricks and spells to yourself.
Do not cross boundaries. If another guest is not friendly to your sexual advances, stop it while you're ahead. There is ZERO TOLERATION for pushy disrespectful idiots. Not being able to take a hint counts. Continuing after no return flirting from the other guest counts. Treating someone like they're 'playing hard to get' counts. We don't care if you are both ok with it OOC, you are not the only guests and you will make others uncomfortable and not want to be around you and they might want to leave. Yes, this is important enough that there is a second version of this rule on the out-of-character side of the rule list, too.
Leave if you are asked to leave. You are (likely) welcome back on another night, depending on why you were made to leave in the first place.
You and your character both have to be over 18+ to enter and participate in the event. This is a strictly NSFW event where naughtiness is encouraged and alcohol and drugs are provided free to use. Staff are often nude, as are guests.
We lore-bend here at Kamiyama. If some lore is unclear, it's fair game. All manner of creature are welcome, as long as you are an original character and not the WoL. By entering and participating you have agreed not to deepthroat the lorebooks and ruin a good creative time.
This is an immersive RP venue. Limit OOC chatter, please. This means using party or /tell unless it is NECESSARY to talk to everyone at once.
Extreme kinks and possibly-triggering subjects are also allowed in public channels/in the syncshell, but players are required to use private chat channels for things such as scat, mutilation, murder...
If staff asks you to stop RP'ing in public chat and switch to party, you have accepted the responsibility to do so by attending this event.
Put away minions, fairies, carbuncles, etc. unless they are a necessary IC addition to your character.
If your character thinks it is acceptable to insult the establishment while sitting right in it, your character is not welcome. It seems like this doesn't need to be said.
Respect the boundaries of other players. If someone says 'no' about something and you cross that line, you will only get a single warning (at maximum) before you are asked to leave, and you may even be banned from the establishment depending on the severity of your offense.
What counts as 'toxic-masculine' in Kamiyama?
You are perpetuating the patriarchy and toxic-masculinity if you: are not actively feminist and anti-racist (not just NOT-racist); you think 'men have it hard, too and feminazis shouldn't be so hard on us :(' despite men being the ones who made shit the way it is and created the very issues they complain about plaguing them; you don't engage in gender/race politics because you're so privileged not to have to care when non-privileged-minorities are forced to live through such every single day regardless of what we'd rather be doing; you are 'okay with gays' but 'think they shouldn't push their sexuality on everyone'; you think jokes at the cost of oppressed people are funny; you don't believe the fact that white/privileged/rich men are the most prolific terrorists in the western world; you think women often lie about being raped; you think it's okay as a man to play an objectifying feminine character; Y7 could go on but you get the idea!
8:00-ish PM PT | 9:00-ish PM MT | 10:00-ish PM CT | 11:00-ish PM ETSTAFF LEAVE AT
1-2:00 AM PT | 2-3:00 AM MT | 3-4:00 AM CT | 4-5:00 AM ET
Party finder ads will continue until staff have left when the venue 'officially' closes. Any patrons are welcome to stay as long as they want after closing, and guests are likely to arrive even after such a time.
Contact any member of Kamiyama staff to be invited to our group!
Don't be shy, now.
Drinks (alcoholic and non-) and drugs (such as fogweed and somnus) are available in the lounge for free.
After cleaning off in the showers here, you may sit in or around any of thirteen varying tubs.
Drinks and food are allowed in the tubs.